Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Venting Session and Giga-mails update

Okay, it is June 30, 2009 and still no payment from Giga-mails. The admin do a really poor job. I am trying to have faith and hope that this site is the real deal. So in my frustration I have sent them an email and if you have not received your payments, I suggest that you do the same. If you requested a payment in May and have not recieved the payment yet then write them constantly. At least once a day for each day that you do not recieve your payment. Then by July 15,2009 if you have not recieved an answer or a payment then drop them. That is what I am going to do. We need to stop hoping that these people are for real and start calling them on it. Here is the email that I wrote. I hope everyone will follow and we can finally see who is real and who is not.

Email sent June 30, 2009 to Giga-mails admin:

Okay, I am getting a little frustrated here. It is now the 30th of June. I am a GOLD MEMBER, which you state in your FAQS, payment is recieved within 30 days of the following month, with GOLD MEMBERS BEING PAID FIRST. I should have gotten my $140,000 that I requested LAST MONTH ALREADY. I understand that sometimes there are technical difficulties but you should at least let your members know when there is one, and how long before they get paid. It is unfair to keep them waiting and not answering their emails like this. I have emailed who knows how many times with no answer from any of the admin. You cannot guarentee 100% satisfaction if you cannot give it. I am not satisfied 100% and I am sure that if you treat all your members this way then they are not 100% satisfied either. So I would really appreciate it if you could either pay me or at least give me an estimate on when my deserved payment with go through. I really do not want to quite this website but I will and I will take all my downline with me. As well as label yall a scam site and report yall. So please email me back or give me my payment.


Please follow my example.